Learning Classics is a bit like putting on a magic pair of 3-D glasses. Once you start delving into the language and the culture, you'll start to see it all around you. This blog is a record of the club's journey through the worlds and language of ancient Rome and Greece... and through modern times, too, searching for the influence of classics all around us. You'll also be able to find vocab, home tasks, links and generally enlightening info here, too.

26 October 2014

Lesson 6 - language focus

Choosing the right endings...
In this last session before the half-term holiday, we collected together all the language learning we've accumulated since the beginning of Classics Club - (1) word ending, not word order, (2) singular and plural verbs in the present tense, (3) masculine, feminine and neuter nouns, (4) adjectives that agree with their noun's gender, and (5) the nominative (subject) and accusative (object) endings. Not bad for six hours' work! As explained in our lesson, all the grammar we've learned so far can be seen here (don't stress about the stuff in grey - we'll be tackling that in due course). Plus, on the vocabulary front, we've officially covered 10% of all the GCSE higher-tier words.

Nope, we won't be swimming!
But probably the highlight of the lesson was finding out that the trip we're planning is to Bath (formerly known as Aquae Sulis) to see the fantastic Roman baths and underground thermal spring next half term. Have a great week off (but don't forget to memorise those nominative and accusative endings!).